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subvars [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
subvars dir [command options] [arguments...]
  • Directory dir subcommand lets you render all files in a folder & subfolder, and writes the output to stdout. you can also set an output folder where rendered files will be saved instead of stdout with --out flag. The filename will be same. If the folder does not exist it will be created automatically.
  • subvars reads the template directly from stdin
  • Rendered output will be written to stdout


Missing Key

  • If missingkey is unset the default is value is set to invalid, and it follows the default behaviour of the golang template library.

  • Missing keys in the template will be substituted with the string <no value>.

  • If missingkey is set to zero, missing keys will be substituted with zero value of data type (i.e: an empty string).

  • If missingkey is set to error, subvars will fail and returns an error to the caller when missing any key.

  • Settings can be changed with --missingkey prefix or by exporting environment variable SUBVARS_MISSINGKEY.


Prefix flag --prefix will match a given prefix pattern of all env variables and render only matching the prefixIt can also be configured by exporting environment variable SUBVARS_PREFIX.


Input flag --input is available for the subcommand dir, when using subcommand you can specify an input folder containing the template files.

It can also be configured by exporting environment variable SUBVARS_INPUTDIR.


Flag --out is available for the subcommand dir, when using subcommand you can specify an output folder where rendered files will be saved.

If the folder does not exist it will be created automatically, preserving subfolder and file structure the output filename will remain the same as input templates.

This setting can also be configured by exporting environment variable SUBVARS_OUTDIR.

For more details please check the examples page.